Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Scoring Workshop hosted by Park Rynie Cricket Club

Clinton Moodley of the Park Rynie Cricket Club hosted a Scoring Workshop this weekend, the 17 September 2011 at St. Francis Primary School. The Clubs main objectives of this target Workshop was to educate all young cricketer s the fundamentals of cricket scoring. All cricketers who attend this workshop expressed their surprise and amazement to the complexities of scoring. There were Senior Cricketer s who were also present and they to admitted to learning something new. The course was well attended and will continue next week. The Club as also indicated its interest to host an Umpires workshop in a few weeks time.

This week also saw the Umzinto and District's KFC Mini-Cricket Coordinators, Colin Govender from Park Rynie and Mlondi Ndlovu from Amandawe attend a Provincial Mini-Cricket Seminar held at Kingsmead.

The Club will like to express their thanks and appreciation to the St. Francis Primary School Governing Body, Dolly Gounden and her executive committee for assisting us with the use of a classroom. Submitted by Clinton Moodley